day at the museum


We finally made it to the Indianapolis Art Museum. My team and I spent a few hours soaking in the masters–artists from all over the world. It was wonderful. Can’t believe I hadn’t been yet. Here is Amanda, Brittany and Paul riding the escalators.

Sourdough Pancakes

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We declared a snow day today. So far we have 6 inches of snow in about 6 hours (which is a lot for our part of Indiana). A snow day means I can finally give my sourdough a whirl with pancakes. Here is the recipe I used, courtesy of Joy the Baker. They turned out great and made a TON.

Night before:
Mix 1 cup of starter, 1.5 cups warm water, 2.5 cups flour (a mix of white and wheat is good) cover with foil and let stand overnight. I put mine in the oven with the light on; it’s the perfect temp.

The next morning:
Mix 1 egg, 2/3 cup milk, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons brown sugar and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil. Whisk into the mixture from the night before, let stand for five minute and drop onto griddle. Try them served with warm maple syrup and fresh strawberries and blueberries.


game night

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We hosted a rousing game night here at home. It was fun to play a number of games with friends from work including, the longest Carcassone game ever and Ticket to Ride Europe, as well as Acquire and Dixit.



The annual pi day competition at work has continued! This year, I got to be one of the judges and taste the delicous pies baked by my wonderful coworkers. Happy Pi Day!